Can You Trust Him? (Part II)
Many of God’s children are caught up in fear, worry, and anxiety. They wonder why they are not seeing their prayers answered, so they begin to doubt. “…For he that wavereth (allows doubt to come in) is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord” (Jms. 1:6&7). Most of these Christians are quick to say, “Oh, God is good”, but if they truly believed that, there would be a rest in knowing that God, Who is Love, loves them so much that not only did He give them His only Son, but would with Him (Jesus) give them all things (Rom 8:32). That is the Goodness of God.
The rich young ruler came running to Jesus and bowed at His feet. He asked Him, “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (Mk. 10:17). Jesus replied, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God” (v. 18). Jesus was attempting to stir him to see that He was God; and yes, He was Good. Jesus was calling him to be a disciple by asking him to sell what he had, give to the poor, and to follow Him (v.21). The young man was sad at the Words of Jesus and walked away from the Promise of Jesus, “…and thou shalt have treasure in heaven…” (v.21). Why did he walk away grieved. Scripture said that he had great possessions. Did the young man believe that Jesus was good? …No, or he would have obeyed His Words. He did not trust Jesus. He trusted his possessions more.
I remember when one of my children was in great sin. I prayed, fasted, declared the Promises of God, warred against the demonic spirits, but I kept worrying and was afraid. I had visions of this child in a casket. I was tormented. I could not eat properly nor sleep. It was when my husband said to me, “You are allowing this child to kill you.” He was absolutely correct. I realized that I was in sin for allowing the worry and anxiety to hold me in its bondage. I did not truly believe that God was Good all the time, so I was not trusting. I repented and by faith placed this child in the arms of the Lord. I symbolically took the child’s pillow and placed it over on the bed. In my heart, I saw myself surrender this child into the arms of the Lord. Now, I chose by faith to see Jesus holding my child. I knew that He was Good, and I could trust Him. When fear would try to come, I would, on purpose, visualize Jesus holding them. When I truly got a hold on what I needed to do, fear, worry and anxiety left me. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love” (Jn. :18). This verse simply means that I am confident that Jesus loves me, and I can trust Him with whatever comes my way without fear.