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God Sees, Hears and Preserves

Lord came to Abram in a vision saying, “Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” Abram was very wealthy, but his heart longed for a child. God promised that He would give Abram a son, and he believed the Word of the Lord (Gen. 15). Sarai, Abram’s wife, felt that she needed to help God along with this promise, so she encouraged Abram to marry her handmaid, Hagar, an Egyptian. She said, “Behold now, the Lord hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her.” Abraham agreed which was a terrible mistake.

Hagar conceived a son. Now, I know the Scriptures found in Galatians 4 that her son is referred to as the “one by a bondmaid” and Isaac, the one to be born of Sarah, as the “one by a freewoman.” For this study, let us focus on a woman that is a servant to Sarai; a human being that God loved. She is not asked if she desires to be a servant to Sarai, to marry Abram or to give birth to his child, which Sarai said would be hers. The Scriptures in Genesis 16 says that, “When she saw that she conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.” Yes, Hagar was wrong in those feelings toward Sarai; but again, think how Hagar must be feeling. “I am pregnant with Abram’s child; I’m still a servant to his other wife, Sarai; and Sarai is calling my child her child.” How would we feel?

Hagar begins to visualize a child growing in her womb. She envisions holding her own baby in her arms; or would Sarai completely take her baby to herself? She could not fully enjoy the thoughts of carrying her first born for the negative thoughts of what this could possibly mean. She is filled with fear, anger, worry, and depression. Notice: satan had come to divide her vision; we call this division.

Sarai blames Abram for Hagar’s behavior. I would suppose that Sarai regrets that she pushed Abram to marry her and father her baby. We read that Sarai “dealt harshly with her,” and Hagar fled from her into the wilderness. (Gen. 16:6) The angel of the Lord found her by a fountain. He asked her where she came from and where she was going. She explained that she was running away from her mistress, Sarai. The Lord knew where Hagar had come from. He wanted her to reflect on the place where she had shelter, provision, and the father of her child. Hagar had no place to go and fleeing into a wilderness was a danger to herself and her unborn child. The Lord told her to return home. He promised her that her child was a son and his name was to be Ishmael, which means “God hears.” He continued to declare the blessings that would rest upon and through Ishmael. Hagar could now visualize in a greater way this son that would soon be born.

Hagar called the name of the Lord that spoke to her “Thou God seest me.” She called the well, “Beerlahairoi”, which means “well of him that liveth and seeth me.” You may feel that you are in a wilderness not really knowing where you are going. You may have once had a vision of something, but it seems that the devil has attempted to divide your vision with feelings of fear, anger, worry, and/or depression. I remind you that our God sees, hears, and preserves you. Let us resist the devil in Jesus’ name, return to the God who loves us, and allow Him to preserve the vision that He’s given us. “…Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Hab. 2:2&3).




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  • KFXB TV 40 Dubuque, IA, Fri. 10:30 am

  • KNLJ TV 25, Jefferson City, MO, Fri. 8:00 am

  • WHTN TV, Nashville, TN 4:00 pm

  • WVLR TV 48-Monday, 9:30am & Friday, 8pm.

  • Our program may be seen on the web,

  • Prayer hour on WVLR TV 48 every 2nd Wed. at 10 am



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