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Ministering Angels Sent Forth

David and Charese (our son-in-law and daughter) and their sons, Ryan and Brayden went on vacation. Their lives were full of great joy, laughing at the funny things that two little boys can say and do. Their camera stayed busy capturing a child’s activities; whether filling a bucket with sand or little legs running from the turning of a wave. Oh, one more picture…there were two large concrete turtles. This would be perfect for Ryan and Brayden to sit on. Smile. The next moment had left the joy of laughter, stepping into great anguish of heart. Ryan fell to the concrete beneath the turtle. The sound of a broken arm echoed the air with an immediate scream in extreme pain and fear. How can seconds take the emotions from joy to great sorrow?

David carefully scooped Ryan into his arms, gathering an arm that was bent between the wrist and elbow. He ran into a nearby hotel to call for an ambulance. Charese was overwhelmed with fear as she held on to Brayden. She had to run to the place where their belongings were laid. She turned to follow David, but they were out of sight. “Where were they?” She looked in every direction crying out of control. A large, white man walked up to her and calmly responded, “Something is wrong.” Charese shouted, “My son has broken his arm. I don’t know where my husband has taken him.” The man said, “You stay right here. Your husband will send someone for you.” She followed the man’s advice and in moments, a lady from the hotel came for Charese and Brayden

In the meantime, David had been in the hotel holding Ryan making the 911 call. A large, black man walked up and asked David if he could pray for Ryan. David quickly welcomed the offer. The man didn’t whisper a petition but loudly prayed, “Father, in Jesus name, touch this little boy, with your healing power…” David agreed with an “amen and thank you.” By this time, Charese and Brayden had arrived in the hotel. Charese was amazed to see the same large, white man standing extremely close to David and Ryan. He stood there the whole time watching every move they made. As David made calls or talked to the hotel staff, the man seemed to lean near David. The ambulance arrived, and the man walked with them to the ambulance. David and his family got into the ambulance, and the large, white man disappeared.

Ryan never cried nor groaned on their trip. His arm was set at the hospital, and he slept in his taxi ride to their hotel at 3:00 a.m. The taxi driver told them at their arrival, “Someone has already taken care of your bill.”

David and Charese discussed the details of the traumatic event the next day. David told Charese about how the large, black man prayed over Ryan. She was so touched by that. She then pointed out that the large, white man standing next to him in the hotel lobby was the one who had instructed her to remain where she was until someone came for her. He asked, “What large, white man?” She said, “Oh, David, you know. He stood an inch from your shoulder the whole time that we waited for the ambulance. He even walked with us all the way out to the ambulance.” David stared at her and responded, “Charese, I didn’t see him.”

Was there angelic ministry going on? I think so. Hebrews 13:2 says, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” In Hebrews 1:14, we read, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” The born-again are given angels to serve them because of their inheritance of deliverance through Christ Jesus. So why did Ryan have the accident? I don’t know, but I do know as we saw last month that Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]" Also, Romans 8:28 says, “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” When you love God, you keep His commandments; and when you obey what the Lord tells you to do, “all things work together for good.” Amen!




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  • KFXB TV 40 Dubuque, IA, Fri. 10:30 am

  • KNLJ TV 25, Jefferson City, MO, Fri. 8:00 am

  • WHTN TV, Nashville, TN 4:00 pm

  • WVLR TV 48-Monday, 9:30am & Friday, 8pm.

  • Our program may be seen on the web,

  • Prayer hour on WVLR TV 48 every 2nd Wed. at 10 am



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