Church, Awake in 2008
I had asked the Lord what His Word was for the church in 2008. I did not hear from the Lord immediately. A few days later, I was busy...
Positioned to Hear God’s Voice
During the Christmas season, I had the opportunity to read the Christmas story and meditate and research its truths. I was richly...
Our Journey to Bethlehem
Go with me for a moment to Bethlehem almost 2,000 years ago. We see a bright light streaming its way toward a stable. We move in this...
Are Your Thoughts God’s or Satan’s?
Have you ever wondered about how many thoughts that you process every day? We awake in our mornings to the thought “my alarm clock is...
Satan’s Trickery
A 10-year old boy (I’ll call him, Lee) had seen the abuse of his father in the home. He starved for a father’s love. One day, he fell...
Little Donkey
A few moments earlier, the little donkey had been munching at the grass with his mom next to a busy intersection. He was untamed,...
Healing the Hurt
Have you ever felt like someone had taken your heart, beaten it with a hammer, and all of your life was flowing out with pain? I...
Does Evil Exist?
One day, a professor of a university decided to defy his pupils. He asked: “Did God create everything that exists?” A student answered...
Dad, I Need You
Bill walked into the counseling room with his 12-year-old son, Jason (I have used different names to protect people’s privacy.) Jason...
Read All About It: Millions Missing
The headlines on newspapers around the world, “Millions of People Missing.” “Where are they?” “Is this a work of aliens from other...